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Registration: Negotiating Noise

The workshop runs for two days framed by two public symposiums: one introducing to the field; the other pointing towards possible future collaborative approaches. Both symposiums are free of charge. Name (obligatorisk) First and family name Affiliation (obligatorisk) Department, university, organisation or company Email (obligatorisk) Days of participation (obligatorisk) Frågor YES NO Symposium: 1 - 2025-03-07

The Aesthetic Expression of Music Research

Art as result and process of thought 2019-10-25 organised Sound Environment Centre in collaboration with The Royal Swedish Academy of Music a whole day of seminars entitled: "The Aesthetic Expression of Music Research" at Inter Arts Center in Malmö. Even though the artistic doctoral degree in Sweden has not reached the age of ten years, research in music through artistic and aesthetic expression h - 2025-03-07

The Impossible Run

Can a blind man run alone? 2019-05-24 genomförde Ljudmiljöcentrum under Lunds universitets framtidsvecka lunchseminariet "The Impossible Run" Går det att skapa en ljudlösning för att hjälpa synskadade personer att springa rakt på en löparbana, helt på egen hand och utan ledsagare?The Impossible RunProjektet började som en idé om att skapa en ljudlösning, som skulle kunna hjälpa en synskadad person - 2025-03-07

Ljudmiljöcentrum i media

Här har vi samlat artiklar och inslag om Ljudmiljöcentrum från press och media. Dagens Nyheter 26 oktober 2021 Sovande spädbarn får det vita bruset att trenda på strömningstjänsterna Skånes taltidning 2021:18 Ljudbänk i Lunds botaniska trädgård blandar naturens ljud med sådana som människan står bakom. Konstnären Jonna Hägg visar sitt verk. (Tid 9.38) Skånes taltidning 2019:45 Ljud visar löpare me - 2025-03-07

Negotiating Noise - Malaysia

15-16th January 2020 at University of Nottingham in Malaysia The subject of unwanted, unruly, or otherwise transgressive sound has proved to be fertile but problematic territory across a wide range of academic disciplines, professional practices, and creative endeavours. At one end of the scale, acousticians and sound designers aim to eliminate and control unnecessary environmental sound, working - 2025-03-07

Noise exposure and health

Research coverage Sound environment centre have three focus areas were reports about current involvement from members of the board have been presented. Noise exposure and health is one of these areas were PhD Kristoffer Mattisson, member of the board, have had the responsibility to report. Kristoffer work at Occupational and Environmental Medicine (OEM) part time as researcher (at Lund University) - 2025-03-07

Acoustics in the Sound Environment Centre

Within the groups involved in the Sound Environmental Center, acoustic research is going on at the acoustics groups at LTH (in Lund) and at DTU (the Technical University of Denmark, in Lyngby, Demark). The group in at LTH is conducting research in, e.g., building acoustics, and have during the last years reported several interesting projects in this area. I will however concentrate this report on - 2025-03-07

Project Soundscape

To test stress-reducing sound environments with elements of nature in work places The project focuses on how to experimentally investigate stress recovery, using typical sounds from nature (such as wind, bird song and sounds from a brook), in a natural context, in an indoor environment. If the study shows that natural elements can accelerate the recovery from high levels of stress, such environmen - 2025-03-07

Negotiating Noise: Manifesting possible futures

Lund: 20 November 2019 2019-11-19 and 2019-11-20 organised Sound Environment Centre, in collaboration with the University of Nottingham, a workshop with invited scholars and practitioners from various disciplines to exchange thoughts, experiences and knowledge on ‘noise’ in its widest sense. The workshop run for two days framed by two public symposiums: one introducing the field; the other pointin - 2025-03-07

Aktiviteter 2020

Genomförda aktiviteter 2020 Talk to the machine: listening to smartspaces Ljudbänken: Taking Seat Politics of Sound & Ethics of Listening in Urban Dance Music and the Public Sphere Den parallella verkligheten The physiological and psychological impact of sound and noise Mot bakgrund av flödande omständigheter Introduction to acoustic concepts relevant to sound studies Negotiating Noise - Malaysia - 2025-03-07

Lunchseminarium: Den parallella verkligheten

– Om att använda ljud i platsspecifikt berättande Fredagen den 28 februari 2020 Kl. 12:15-13:00 Plats: Hörsal C121, LUX (Helgonavägen 3, Lund) Vid föranmälan bjuds det på en enklare lunchmacka I iPhone-appen Guidly har Fredrik Pålsson och Umami Produktion producerat både dokumentära och fiktiva ljudberättelser, som upplevs på plats och styrs med GPS: från ljudvandringarna om Victoria Benedictssons - 2025-03-07

Sound based investigations of urban futures

Part of the Sound Studies Lecture Series SANDRA KOPLJAR At an early stage of the construction and planning of the research facilities MAX IV and ESS at Brunnshög, several sound based investigations and interventions were performed in the area. Methods such as collective speech, urban broadcasting of perceived potential, and sound based simulations were used to capture the hopes, fears and expectat - 2025-03-07

Sociala Medier

Ljudmiljöcentrum på sociala medier Besök Ljudmiljöcentrums Facebooksida för aktuell information om vår verksamhet och aktiviteter, samt för evenemang inom ljudmiljöområdet i stort, eller vår youtubekanal för att ta del av våra inspelade seminarier och föreläsningar. Ljudmiljöcentrum på Facebook Ljudmiljöcentrum på YouTube - 2025-03-07

Underwater sounds

Sonic perspectives on oceanic ecologies Half day seminar by Sound Environment Centre at Lund University & Åsa Stjerna - PhD and Sound Artist, University of Gothenburg   Increased human activity in and around the seas - such as coastal wind turbines, increased maritime transportation, and the exploitation of the Arctic - have over the past decades had a major impact on marine underwater environment - 2025-03-07

Introduction to acoustic concepts relevant to sound studies

Part of the Sound Studies Lecture Series NIKOLAOS GEORGIOS VARDAXIS Acoustics refers to the science of sound, its properties and propagation, while the same term is often used to refer to sound qualities of an environment, an indoor space or somewhere outdoors. This lecture offers an introduction to basic acoustic concepts such as sound pressure levels, which is the most essential quantity when de - 2025-03-07

Politics of Sound & Ethics of Listening in Urban Dance Music and the Public Sphere

Part of the Sound Studies Lecture Series CARLA J. MAIER This talk will address politics of sound and ethics of listening by situating sound studies and music within postcolonial theory, popular culture and ethnographic practice. Drawing from Maier’s book Transcultural Sound Practices: British Asian Dance Music as Cultural Transformation, she will discuss the concrete sonic techniques and performat - 2025-03-07

Sound laboratories as artistic practice

Part of the Sound Studies Lecture Series SANNE KROGH GROTH The talk introduces to the artistic field of sound art and how it relates to sound studies. Within sound art we find many artists working as or imitating the practices of researchers. In this type of work, the artistic idea is driven by a (research) question and the artistic process is designed as an experiment, but the outcome is ideally - 2025-03-07

The physiological and psychological impact of sound and noise

PART OF THE SOUND STUDIES LECTURE SERIES EMILIE STROH The talk will guide you through sound and noise's different impact on physiological and psychological health and wellbeing.How, where and to what kind of noise are we exposed? How will this affect our current, and future, health? What are the noise effects for the society, population and individual?Why do we experience noise and sounds differen - 2025-03-07

Talk to the machine: listening to smart spaces

PART OF THE SOUND STUDIES LECTURE SERIES MERI KYTÖ This lecture will tackle themes of listening and sensory agency in everyday spaces that are affected or produced by code. We will examine issues of sensory experience, attention and distraction in relation to different kinds of media technologies and machine listening. Meri Kytö Meri Kytö is a senior researcher and an adjunct professor in auditory - 2025-03-07


Vad gör Ljudmiljöcentrum? Ljudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet är en tvärvetenskaplig centrumbildning ämnad att initiera, samordna och stimulera tvärvetenskaplig forskning om ljud och ljudmiljö och hur människan och samhället påverkas av dessa. Ljudmiljöcentrum vid Lunds universitet inrättades i mars 2005. Centret är det första i sitt slag, såväl nationellt som internationellt. Dess uppgift är a - 2025-03-07